Load Testing Tool Training - Web Performance

Load Tester™

Affordable enterprise-quality load testing tool

Load Tester™ Training

Load Tester PRO™ training will quickly teach users how to use the most critical features of Load Tester, allowing them to start designing and running tests immediately. The class is taught live, where students teleconference with our experienced structors to get customized, hands-on training. The class typically takes between 6 and 8 hours, and is usually split into two days. The cost is $1,400 per person.


How to go about load testing the Load Tester way: an overview of How Load Tester™ is designed to work.

Test Case Design

The first step in getting accurate test results is learning how to design test cases. This part of the class starts with the theoretical basis of test case design, and then moves into the specifics of how to configure Load Tester PRO™ test cases in a wide variety of cases.

Running Tests

Analyzing Test Results

Post-testing analysis.

Live Testing

If there's time, the training session ends by running a real load test against the client's site and using what was learned in the class to find bottlenecks.


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A Durham web design company


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