Load Testing Generation - Web Performance

Load Tester™

Affordable enterprise-quality load testing tool

Internal Load Generation

While cloud-based load generators are perfect for generating load external to your network, there are many situations where load should be generated from inside your own network. By default Load Tester™ is designed to work right out the box from a single installer, so if you've run the Load Tester™ installer you're ready to generate as much load as your computer and network can handle.

For those cases where you need to generate more load than be accomplished by a single computer Web Performance Load Tester™ was designed from the ground up to simulate as many virtual users per-computer as possible—up to 5,000 on the average modern computer at last count. As your performance requirements grow, you'll need more computers to generate an accurate test. In that case we’ll split your virtual users between the Web Performance Load Tester™ module and one or more GUI-less "load engines."

Because our load engine automates much of the work, including installation, auto recognition, auto quality control, auto updating, and automatic load balancing, there’s no easier, or more cost-efficient, way to generate large numbers of users in a load test.

Simply put, its the most technologically-advanced load testing software on the market.

Instant Load Engine™ - No Added Charge

How’s this for fast and easy? Just create a CD-ROM using our ISO (from our downloads page), and reboot your computer to turn it into a load engine. Done and done.

Plus, any Web Performance Load Tester™ license can be used with any number of load engines, absolutely free.

Auto Recognition and Upgrading

Connecting your load engine to Web Performance Load Tester™ is amazingly simple. If the load engine is on your local LAN, then it just automatically shows up in the Load Engine Tab in the GUI.

If the load engine lives on a remote network, just use the Add Engine button and type in the IP address. It’s that easy.

Upgrading load engines to the latest versions is just as easy. Just click the Update button and your new version downloads automatically.

Guaranteed Accuracy

We’ve done a tremendous amount of design and lab testing to ensure virtual user accuracy, from tweaking system configuration to runtime monitoring of load engines—an enormous challenge due to unlimited hardware configurations. The result is a system that guards against common operating system performance problems, while continually monitoring the accuracy of the load engines.

Automatic Load Distribution

Imagine trying to generate 50,000 concurrent virtual users across a network consisting of a huge range of hardware, from an 8-way server to a laptop. With any other software, you have to either hand-calibrate each and every computer, or live with inaccurate user counts. And given that the virtual user capacity of any single computer can vary from 400 to 1,500, you have your work cut out for you.

Instead, Web Performance Load Tester™ automatically and continuously monitors current load engine performance and estimates each computer's load generating capacity. The task of generating virtual users is distributed throughout the network based on each computer's capacity, giving more capable computers a greater share of the load.


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A Durham web design company


(1) 919-845-7601 9AM-5PM EST

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