Scheduling Load Tests with Load Tester 5.4 - Web Performance

Scheduling Load Tests with Load Tester 5.4

Many of our customers want to run tests off-hours to minimize collateral inconveniences. For example, if the rest of your QA team is working on the same test server as you, it might behoove you to run a load test at 2:00 AM when the team is asleep. Load Tester has had the ability to schedule off-hours tests for years, but the feature remains a frequently asked question among potential testers.

In Load Tester 5.4’s streamlined user interface, you can schedule a test from the ‘Control’ menu by choosing “Schedule Load Test.” A “Scheduled Operation” dialog will appear, and you can choose a time and date (even several days in the future) at which to run the test. Then, just leave the dialog box open.


It’s also possible to schedule a load test from the command line interface (“cli.exe”) located in the installation directory. Running ‘cli.exe execute –help’ will print information about the command line options needed to run a test from the command line. If you want to use the command line interface to schedule recurring nightly or weekend load tests, consider reviewing the documentation for the Windows Task Scheduler.


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