Installation, Configuration and startup of each Server
Tomcat 4.1.12
Run the Windows executable installer
Change the HTTP port number to 80 during the installation
After installation, edit the server.xml file to set maxProcessors=1000
Edit the Start Menu launcher to add JVM flags: -ms350M -mx350M
Place ServletBenchmark.war file into <tomcat>/webapps folder
Start Tomcat using the Start Menu icon
Orion 1.5.2
Unpack distribution file
Edit the default-web-site.xml configuration file to add the following within the <web-site> tags: <web-app application="default" name="benchmark" root="/ServletBenchmark"/>
Edit the application.xml configuration file to add the following within the <orion-application> tags: <web-module id="benchmark" path="../applications/ServletBenchmark.war"/>
Place ServletBenchmark.war file into <orion>/applications folder
Edit server.xml file to configure the maximum connections: <max-http-connections value=100000>
Start Orion from the command line: java -ms350M -mx350M -jar orion.jar
Resin 2.1.5
Unpack distribution file
Place ServletBenchmark.war file into <resin>/webapps folder
Set environment variables: JETTY_HOME=D:\Jetty-4.1.1 JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\j2sdk1.4.1\jre
Edit the jetty.bat file to pass memory limit flags to the JVM: set RUNME="%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -ms350M -mx350M -cp %CP% %OPTIONS% org.mortbay.jetty.Server %ARGS%
cd to the JETTY_HOME diretory
execute: bin/jetty.bat ServletBenchmarkJetty.xml
WebSphere Advanced Single-Server 4.0
Run the Windows executable installer
Start the IBM (apache) Web Server via Start Menu icon
Start the Websphere Application Server via Start Menu icon
Goto administration console via the browser: http://localhost:9090/admin
Navigate to Nodes->(servername)->ApplicationServers->Default Server->Web Containers->HTTP Transports
Change the default HTTP transport from port 9080 to port 80
Navigate to Nodes->(servername)->EnterpriseApplications
Click the Install button
Provide the WAR file (ServletBenchmark.war), application name ("Test Servlets") and context-path ("/ServletBenchmark")
Navigate to Nodes->(servername)->ApplicationServers
Stop the default server (wait for page to show error)
Restart the Websphere Application Server (see #3 above)
SunOne Platform Edition 7.0
Unpack and run the Windows executable installer
Start the Sun ONE application server and open the administration console
Login and nagivate to: AppServer Instance->server1->Application->WebApps
Add a web application
Select the ServletBanchmark.war file on disk, enter the application name and path "/ServletBenchmark"